Peanut Battle Jam Vol.5: THE CALL OUT

Peanut Buttle Studio每个月都有一次主题性的比赛. 这一季是THE CALL OUT, 顾名思义就是让你选择自己的对手进行对轧, 获胜者晋级下一圈,角逐冠军头衔. 本次项目有单人轧舞也有3vs3团战. 比赛场地在Klang Parade

Peanut Butter Studio will host a jam with different theme monthly.. This time the theme is “CALL OUT” meaning you choose your own opponent and battle it out. Winner will proceed to the next round. This time they have one on one battle and 3 on 3 battle. The battle venue at Klang Parade.

报名和海选都在Peanut Butter Studio室内进行.

Registration and Audition happening in Peanut Butter Studio.

经历数小时的海选和32强初赛后,主战场就移到了户外,Klang Parade门口.

After few hours of Audition and top32 battle, the main battle has moved to outdoor, Klang Parade entrance.


Close to 7pm, top16 battle is getting tighter and more intense!

强劲的音乐和热闹的呼喊声, 吸引了更多围观的群众.

The strong music attracted a lot of bystander and more cheers from the crowd!

单人组获胜者Funky XiaoWei来自ODD DANCE SCHOOL

1 on 1 battle title is won by Funky XiaoWei from ODD Dance School


Team battle category won by K.O.B from SIM dance studio

Article by: NDZC team

怀念以前2008年时候, 在金河广场外面和一班BBOY一起练习, 在户外跳舞的感觉其实很好, 不同于练舞室开冷气或者偶尔有汗酸味. 可惜治安每况愈下, 想在户外练习也会担心自身安全. 如果你有不错的户外练习地点想介绍,不妨联系我们分享给大家.

Back in 2008, really like and miss the moment of training outdoor. Dancing on the street feels really good, the difference is indoor and outdoor facilities. Unfortunately the public safety isn’t guarantee. Dancers worried about own safety.If you have any good outdoor spot to share with, feel free to contact us.

Article by: NDZC team