[Popping Dance Course]

We provide several popping dance courses, customised and tailored for people of different dance experience.
Ranging from zero foundation to intermediate level, this is a course recommended to anyone who wishes to learn and improve further.


TransPOPmation :: Course 101

Are you a beginner who is interested to kickstart your journey into the world of popping? Look no further! Class 101 features an introductory level course specially customized for all beginners, dancers or non-dancers alike, with no prior knowledge required!

So what will be in store for you in Class 101?

• Execution of basic body movements integrated with the POP technique
• Basic body rhythm & groove
• Experience a variety of popping dance styles – Boog Style / Animation
• Introduction to the different vocabulary in popping
• Basic choreography and routines
• Introduction to a basic understanding of music

Level: Beginner – no prior dance experience required.
Duration: 100 mins
Age: Open to anyone aged 7 y/o & above, with an open and earnest heart for learning.


Advance Beginner
TransPOPmation :: Course 201

Are you seeking a challenge? Or have you been dancing for some time and are experiencing stagnant growth? Step up to the challenge with Class 201, as we dive into a variety of topics to further enhance your popping dance skills.

So what will be in store for you in Class 201?

• Recap and reinforcement of foundational vocabulary
• Improve your musicality, flow & execution
• Experiment with different applications & variations
• Weight shift, control and balance
• Adding dynamics in level changes

Level: Advance Beginner – Being able to execute various body pop.
Duration: 100 mins
Age: Open to anyone aged 7 y/o & above, with an open and earnest heart for learning.


TransPOPmation :: Course 301
[Coming Soon]

Are you seeking a higher level of understanding and mastery for your own style? Wish to discover your unique flair and a better grasp for your own individual flavor? Join us on our advanced level Class 301, where you will be put through a series of intensive classes to level up your current popping skills!

So what will be in store for you in Class 301?

• Express emotion & feeling through your steps
• Hone your musicality & presentation for your audience
• Get in touch with your personal flavor through individual solos
• Deeper understanding of movement flow

Level: Intermediate – Being able to execute various body pop.
Duration: 100 mins
Age: Open to anyone aged 7 y/o & above, with an open and earnest heart for learning.