First-ever, Malaysia Street Dance Step Up To Istana Budaya – Pak Pandir Yo! 马来西亚街舞首次登上国家文化艺术宫的舞台

Earlier on, a buddy of mine told me that Istana Budaya will be hosting a retelling of the Malay folklore – Pak Pandir, with a modernised musical performance that feature the elements of street dance. To show my support, and to see what it’s all about, I snagged a ticket right away.

稍早前,朋友通知我说国家文化宫(Istana Budaya)会有一场融合街舞与马来民族传统特色的舞台剧,问我会不会去支持。我立马就要了票。

(Image Source: Internet)

With 4 performances spanning across 2 days, it was really an opportunity of a lifetime to catch this blink-and-you’ll-miss-it kind of show. I caught the show just in time when I went for its last performance. Being a big street dance fan, you can only imagine my excitement as I reached the venue.

演出为期两天,总共四场, 我买的是最后一场的票。转眼间,就到了演出日子。带着非常期待的心情去到了国家文化宫 (Istana Budaya)


I tried to convince myself to play the role of a tourist in this busy city that I always am in the middle of, really trying to grasp this rare opportunity to just relax and chill, especially when I’m sometimes drowned in my work during weekdays, and even sometimes during weekends.

一星期五天都活在繁华忙碌的都市,有时候周末还要工作,难得一天可以休闲出来看show,我尽可能催眠自己用游客身份去参观,幻想是出国旅行,来看表演的同时放松身心。 (明明是驾车来,硬硬幻想刚下飞机搭的士过来)

A gallery area exhibit past and up coming showcase.


Surprise! Who knew I would see a familiar face.


To show my support, and to commemorate, I even bought a program book. 还买了一本剧场手册。

Arriving at the cafeteria, it was a modern-Malay cuisine restaurant. Guess what guys, I made the cliché mistake of my life which is forgot to top up cash in my wallet. With no ATM, and little to no parking at the place – and being my Malaysian self, I couldn’t risk losing that precious spot. Ah ha! I just remembered that I have a bunch of coins in my car.

才发现…我钱包没钱了。文化宫内没有提款机我又不想驾车到外面银行… 怎么办? 想起车上有散钱,可是上个月才整理一次,把钱放进扑满,不懂还有多少钱在车上…

  Gambling with luck here, and damn, I was having a good day when I managed to scraped together RM9 from my coins. Time to eat within a budget! With the help of an amused cashier, managed to make a meal with RM8.40 – backpacking tourist mode on!

幸好还能从车上挖出9块钱的硬币,先问了柜台食物价钱,才拿食物。 收银员和员工都在笑,一起来数散钱。拿了饭,鸡肉,青菜,和一罐豆浆。

总共RM8.40 (游客模式启动)

Due to my unfamiliarity with Pak Pandir, with the help of the program, I finally understood what it was. And after the show did I realize, the performance is awesome and easy to understand story.

由于对Pak Pandir故事不熟悉,未免看不明白剧情,先读一读手册里的演出简介。(事后才发现,整场演出非常精彩易懂,即使没看手册也能明白)

(Image Source: Internet)

Alright, showtime.


With 20 minutes more to go before the show started, the place still looked relatively empty but it was great to see a diverse crowd in the audience. But wait a minute, isn’t that…DJ William in the photo? And hang on, the guy next to him…is it legendary Andy?

这时离开场只剩下20分钟左右,仍然有一半的空席。欣慰的是三大民族到齐。咦? 等等…相片中的那位岂不是帅气的DJ William? 身旁坐着那位…难道就是传说中的Andy?

Related photos started to play on big screen.大荧幕开始播放相关剧照。

The show opened with the hilarious Hefny Sahad, who warmed up the crowd. (recognised him from TV but never knew his name until now)

幽默风趣的主持人Hefny  Sahad先登场, 暖一暖现场气氛 (有时会在电视上看到他,可是不懂名字而这次终于懂了)

With a short intro, it’s officially show time!  Let me hit you guys up with a summary of the plot – the story revolves around the characters of Pak Pandir and his wife, Mak Andih, who in a stroke of luck, won bus tickets to KL. They come across all sorts of scenarios as they journey from their kampung to the city.
简短的开场后,舞台剧Pak Pandir Yo正式开场! 先稍微介绍这场舞台剧。故事讲述住在乡村的Pak Pandir和他的妻子Mak andih,中奖拿到了开往都市吉隆坡的车票。主人翁从乡村到城市,又从城市回到乡村,路途中所发生的一连串趣事。

he story starts with a morning market (Pasar Pagi). With a rich display of street dance moves, it fired up the crowd and made for an exciting opening.


At this point, you’re going to wonder how we managed to capture and post all these photos? This is just the first act, so apparently we could take photos. (There will be a rare footage at the end of this article, stay tune)


Time to hide those cameras as act 1 comes to a close. Time to enjoy the show with our own eyes than through  the lenses. The show featured a simply brilliant display of storytelling and dance moves. The performers on stage are all accomplished dancers, fusing a myriad of Traditional, Contemporary, Chinese Kungfu-elements, Hip-Hop, Waacking, Popping, Locking, and of course, there were some hard core Bboy moves thrown in.


精彩的表演和精湛的舞蹈一幕接着一幕,剧情在舞台上流畅地呈现。号称融入街舞的舞台剧,台上的舞者们都是跳得之人! 曾在国内国外各大街舞比赛获得非常亮眼的成绩。肢体演出和舞蹈动作表现得心应手!   舞蹈编排融入民族舞,(Contemporary)现代舞,中国功夫元素,Hip-Hop,Waacking,Popping,Locking等。 当然更少不了一系列高难度Break Dance动作。

(Image Source: Alamak Entertainment)

One of my favourite scene, The tron dance segment (*LED Dance) in the show was all sorts of cool and trippy.

其中有一场戏,以Tron Dance呈现。舞者穿着LED服装,在一片漆黑的舞台上,用发亮的LED带出舞步,表现出强烈的视觉冲击。

The *LED Dance is one of signature performance from Alamak Entertainment.

*LED Dance是Alamak Entertainment的拿手活之一, 有需要精彩LED表演服务的商家, 不妨联系他们。

ALAMAK Entertainment

Starring local artists Mat Redho, and Mak Andih as the lead characters, they put on a great performance and cracked the audience up with their punchlines.With Pak Pandir drawn to the “happening” city life, and Mak Andih much preferring the peaceful kampung life, the old married couple with their different thoughts seem to be at odds. You’ll have to watch it to see their journey together and understand their struggle. My favourite part of the show featured Hairul Azreen as a hilarious, and effeminate commander in a drumming segment.

饰演男主角Pak Pandir的是本地艺人Mat Redho,饰演女主角Mak Andih则是Vicha Saywho。两人精湛的演出带出连场好戏。主人翁两夫妻从乡村到城市,闹出一连串的笑话。Pak Pandir 向往城市的新鲜和繁华而Mak Andih却不喜欢城市人的冷酷,喜欢乡村的一切,过程中发生了一些小摩擦。 内容细节就不多做描述了,只有买票进场观看才能知晓。 我个人最喜欢的是打鼓戏份那一场,扮演娘娘腔的指挥官Hairul Azreen,滑稽的演出搞得全场爆笑。

End of  show, the couple returned to their lives in the kampung. And finish it all off, was joined by both their kampung, AND city friends for a big finale dance. Taking their final bow, the brains of the show, Alam also made an appearance  to the applause of the audience. To bid farewell to a successful run, and despite performing just moments ago, the dancers still brimmed with energy on stage. And to close it off, the night was ended with a cool montage


舞台剧的幕后策划人Alam终于出场露面接受观众们的掌声。总共四场的演出,圆满结束! 谢幕后,舞者们在台上都玩high了,最后来个精彩的花絮。

Can get introduction of crew and dancers in the program booklet. 手册里有幕后功臣和舞者们的介绍。

If you’re a dancer too, you might not be a stranger to the name, Alam – who was crowned the champion during the first season of Malaysia’s “So You Think You Can Dance”. With the love and passion of street dance, flowing, and throbbing in his veins, he helped the local street dance scene by bringing it from the streets to the much deserved spotlights of the big stage. It’s unfortunate if you missed this chance to catch Malaysia’s first ever musical performance to incorporate street dance into a classical Malay type of storytelling. Talk about fusion!

同样喜欢街舞的你,对Alam应该不会太陌生,他是马来西亚第一季”So You Think You Can Dance”的冠军,之后还拍了一套电视剧 “Alam Story”. 讲述来自乡下的Bboy成为全国冠军的真实故事。因为喜欢街舞,坚持热诚,为圈子付出许多,更把街舞带到国家舞台上的功臣Alam。  他是怎么办到的呢?我们会在另一篇人物访谈继续。错过了这次演出的童鞋们,是非常的可惜。  毕竟,这是马来西亚历史上,第一个踏上国家舞台,结合街舞与传统舞蹈的舞台剧。能以观众身份参与其中,见证那一刻,感觉蛮不错的。

Keep tuning into our website and follow our Facebook page for all the latest on street dance news, and events. 请留守我们官方主页和面子书以获得更多最新国内外街舞比赛和活动详情 – NonDezcript production

The *LED Dance is one of signature performance from Alamak Entertainment. 有需要精彩LED表演服务的商家, 不妨联系他们:
Alamak Entertainment

Thanks for reading, PEACE

Article & Photo by: NDZC Team