Keep On Moving是由Soul Dance Studio所主办的Popping赛事活动, 在刚过去的九月二十六号, 已来到了第二季 Keep On Moving Vol.2

因为喜爱Popping这个文化, 用心用力在办的街舞赛事Keep On Dancing vol.2, 这次的举办场地在CityOne Megamall (Kuching, Sarawak)

持之以恒地在办活动,不但让更多人有机会了解Popping这门舞蹈, 参赛人数也逐渐上升。

本次活动赞助商Cosmos Burger和台湾服饰品牌Step Crew。

Organiser, Soul Dance Studio, organised Keep On Dancing Volume 2 in City One Megamall (Kuching, Sarawak)

The birth of the event has called for more Poppers to join the scene and understand the dance better.

Grand sponsor of the event is Cosmos Burger and Step Crew(Taiwanese clothing brand).

单人对战的比赛形式, 要在众多参赛者中选出16强选手晋级接下来的赛事。

The competition starts with Audition, then shortlisted to 16 contestants proceed to main battle event.

除了商品赞助, Step Crew也在现场设立摊位。 还有来自西马的Popper越洋出席, 参与这场赛事。

Step Crew has its own small lovely booth to showcase its products. The event also got support from the west Malaysia Popper.

比赛裁判 – 来自韩国,釜山The Mighty ( FIZZ CREW )

Judge – Poppin The Mighty, from Korea, Busan City! Representing Fizz Crew.

来自新加坡的DJ BOLO
DJ BOLO, all the way from Lion city, Singapore.
主办单位非常用心, 加插了许多精彩表演。有BeatBox ,Locking 齐舞表演 , KRUMP KATZ 和 Dynamic Funk CREW的特别演出。
 Besides all the hot blooded battle between Poppers, audiences enjoyed watching great Beatbox and funky Locking special dance performance presented by KRUMP KATZ and Dynamic Funk crew.

比赛最高潮的环节, 马来西亚对垒韩国的友谊赛事  (文章最后会有影片)

左: (古晋,沙拉越代表 Poppin BK & Keo)      右: (釜山代表 The Mighty & Big Bear)

Friendly exhibition battle between Malaysia and Korea is the highlight of the event! (Checkout the video at the last part of the article)

Left: Kuching represent: Popping BK & KEO  Right: Busan represent, Poppin THE MIGHTY & BIG BEAR

最后打进决赛的都是沙拉越的选手Nutella Funk 和Boogfree

比赛激烈, 斗得难分胜负, 裁判要求加赛一场后 ,最终由Boogfree 获胜,得到冠军头衔。

Both Sarawakians Poppers, NUTELLA FUNK and BOOGFREE, takes up the final battle spotlight. Even with the final rounds of energetic and intense battle, it still cannot fulfil Judges desire to watch more of their rounds! then…

Judges called for an extra round of battle to let these two poppers to battle it all out!

Lastly, we have a clear winner of both. BOOGFREE took the champion title of KOM volume 2.

这已是第2年The Mighty担任Keep On Moving的裁判。


最后一起来观赏马来西亚对垒韩国的友谊赛事 Poppin BK & Keo VS BigBear & The Mighty

The is the second time Poppin THE MIGHTY judge Keep On Moving.

He said, the standard of the contestant has grown a lot higher compared to last year. He is very happy to see everyone work harder and strive for the best.

Without further due, let’s watch the highlight of the event. Poppin BK & KEO vs Poppin BIGBEAR & THE MIGHTY


Photo & Article by: NDZC Team