Party, Enjoy, Be yourself! Mali Goyang Chapter1: Eye on you

Mali Goyang Chapter1举办在Royal Phantom Dance Studio, 首先映入眼帘就是这位帅气的DJ William. 专注地在调整器材,配上这经典的桌子,一个字形容 – 酷

Mali Goyang Chapter 1 hosted in Royal Phantom Dance Studio. Starring at the coolest DJ in the house, DJ William. He’s focusing on preparing the tools, plus the classic vintage table, damn it’s DOPE

转到另一角有食物供应, 味道还很不错呢!

On the other hand, they’ve provide some good food. These stuff are the best!

在活动上炸歌cypher是常有的事, 这次边炸歌边吃nasi lemak. 新体验啊!

Cypher is a culture for any dance event. This time i’m celebrating it with Nasi Lemak. FRESH!

这次活动没有指定评审, 所有参赛者都有一票机会, 以多数票选方式选出获胜者晋级下一圈.

This event do not have judge for the battle, all the contestant will vote for the winner of the battle.


Thank you all the crews and organizers

带着放松心情去参加的一个活动. 不需要大舞台, 不需要上千观众呼喊, 和一班喜欢跳舞的朋友聚在一起, 感觉就很不错

Joined Mali Goyang Chapter.1 with a relax mode. Just take a breath and enjoy the event. Sometimes dancing with a bunch of passionate people could be the best thing in your life.

Check here for video of Mali Goyang:

Mali Goyang – Youtube

Article by: NDZC team