齐舞表演与单人对战 The Smoke’D vol.7 人潮汹涌

由Mustang Dance Studio主办的街舞赛事 The Smoke’D已来到第七届, 获得各州舞者与现场观众支持, 在Cheras Leisure Mall共创盛举.
Hosted by Mustang Dance Studio, The Smoke’D has come to its seventh volume! Cheras Leisure Mall was filled with large crowd and dancer from all over Malaysia!

当天评审阵容(左起): 来自柔佛ODD DANCE SCHOOL的Boogaloo Hanz, Mustang Dance Studio的Simon, 还有同样来自柔佛SIM Dance Studio的漂亮女评审 Li Ping.

3位评审除了资历深, 也曾在海内外获得多次奖项.  分别擅长不一样的舞风, 能给予多方面公平的裁决.

Panel Judges(From left): Boogaloo Hanz from ODD Dance School(JB), Simon from Mustang Dance Studio(KL) and gorgeous female judge, Li Ping, from Sim Dance Studio(JB). Each judges won title at locally and internationally event. And also came from a different background of dance style, therefore they may give professional and unbiased result to the competition.

呼喊声很高的队伍Rejuvenate, 也是当天的齐舞队冠军.
Rejuvenate Crew is one of crowd favorite. They are also champion of the day.

舞步编排中运用道具,融入幽默内容.   Dancer uses props to spice up the content.

几支儿童队的表现也让人赞叹. Few of the youngsters team capture the attention of the crowd.

除了舞步的编排, 妆容和服装搭配也尽显心思.  Apart from the choreography, makeup and cloth could be helpful.

ALL STYLE 1V1 单人轧舞需要很扎实的基本功也非常考验舞者临场反应. 感谢在台上的舞者们带来的每一场精彩对决.   All style 1 on 1 need to have a solid foundation and spot on skill set. Big shout out to those who battle it all out!

精彩的演出吸引大批观众围观,参与盛况, 所有的掌声和呼喊声都是对舞者的鼓励.
Those superb and incredible dance has attracted the public. All cheers and claps is a form of encouragement to those contestants.

活动当天, 也有贩售与本站设计师联名合作的新Tee – STAY DOPE [Mustang Dance Studio Tee 2015 edition]

ON the event day, they are selling the Mustang Dance Studio Tee 2015 edition. Not to mentioned, it’s also a collaboration with our website!

If you miss it, get one for yourself here https://www.facebook.com/mustangcrew

活动当天的MC和幕后工作团队. Crews and MC on the day.

还有来自新加坡的帅气DJ Psyk. Coolest DJ Psyk from Singapore.

恭喜所有的获奖队伍. Congratulations to all the winners:

1v1 All Style Battle

[Champion] – Ogawa

[1st Runner Up] – Shazam

Group Showcase

[Champion] – Rejuvenate Crew (RJVN)

[1st Runner Up] – Exodus

[Consolation] – Vyrus, D’Kids, Donna’s Be

编辑后话 / Side Note

近40支队的齐舞参赛,大家使出浑身解数,各有各精彩.  近70人的单人轧舞,  只选16强进入对决,竞争相当激烈, 总体水准比往年更高.  获奖是一个额外的奖励, 不要忘了跳舞带来的欢乐, 不知不觉中的进步是最大的收获, 大家加油!

Approximately 40 teams participate in the competition. All teams has given the fullest and give it all out!        Approximately 70 dance joined 1 vs 1 battle.  Chosen top 16 on the day. The battle is tight and we’re onto next level compare with last year. Prize is a form of encouragement, do not forget what dance has given to you. Those unsung effort will gives you a bigger reward. Keep it up.


Article by:  NDZC team